But now imagine that same hammer with a soul, a self-consciousness. Days and days go by with him remaining in the toolbox. He feels funny inside, but he's not sure exactly why. Something is missing, but he doesn't know what it is. Then …
what trinity is all about some people say that trinity is three person in one God.that is what causes problem in the world within some rev.father. in trinity this is one thing no one can explain well what it all about i may tell that trinit…
I don't know what battle you are fighting. I'm not sure how it's tearing your life apart, and how you're trying to keep it together. It's unclear to me how your parents treated you, how many friends left you behind, or how ma…
For the cities that are covered in dark terror right now, my thoughts and prayers are with you. For the families and friends of the innocent victims, I pray for peace and strength. To the citizens of Iraq, Lebanon, France, the rest of the w…
After the week we had last week with Levi's accident and being in the hospital I anticipated that this week might be difficult. But I was thinking the hard part would be the transitioning of Levi and his injuries. That part has been far bette…