Whether you are searching for The most inner beatitude or simply wish to move through each day with grace, the Transcendental Meditation technique naturally unfolds the wholeness of one’s innermost Self—the spiritual essence of life.As we strive to balance our inner world with the busy, chaotic, and sometimes empty routine of outer life, we seek a refuge and comforter, a sacred place within—where we are sublime, eternal and divine.Effortless Serenity During practice, the mind effortlessly transcends or goes beyond its busy, active state to become settled and more awake inside. Even if fraught with worries or anxieties, one can dive deep within to experience an inner realm of bliss and timeless silence.
Spiritual experience has helped demystify transcendence. Studies on brain functioning during the technique verify that the experience of heightened awareness has its own EEG pattern or brain wave signature: high amplitude alpha coherence.With regular TM practice, this unique and more orderly style of brain functioning, along with increased balance and calmness in the physiology, allows one to naturally enjoy more powerful focus and greater-gratitude and compassion in daily life. Love and goodness flow spontaneously without having to consciously try to behave more spiritually.
Spiritual experience has helped demystify transcendence. Studies on brain functioning during the technique verify that the experience of heightened awareness has its own EEG pattern or brain wave signature: high amplitude alpha coherence.With regular TM practice, this unique and more orderly style of brain functioning, along with increased balance and calmness in the physiology, allows one to naturally enjoy more powerful focus and greater-gratitude and compassion in daily life. Love and goodness flow spontaneously without having to consciously try to behave more spiritually.
Spiritual growth and enlightenment
Living a spiritual life need not require renunciation. The TM technique is a practice that doesn’t require forsaking worldly involvement or material comforts to enjoy spiritual enrichment.
Misusing the goal
Unfortunately, the goal of many great traditions or culture of enlightenment has, over time, been mistaken for the path, leaving well-intention ed seekers straining to create a contrived attitude of equanimity or mindfulness. The qualities of equanimity, mindfulness, and simplicity often strive for in the name of spirituality are attributes of an enlightened state of consciousness, not the path to it.
Living a spiritual life need not require renunciation. The TM technique is a practice that doesn’t require forsaking worldly involvement or material comforts to enjoy spiritual enrichment.
Misusing the goal
Unfortunately, the goal of many great traditions or culture of enlightenment has, over time, been mistaken for the path, leaving well-intention ed seekers straining to create a contrived attitude of equanimity or mindfulness. The qualities of equanimity, mindfulness, and simplicity often strive for in the name of spirituality are attributes of an enlightened state of consciousness, not the path to it.
Cultivating higher consciousness
A revival of this effortless path of spirituality the Transcendental Meditation program allows pure, enlightened consciousness to be naturally cultivated through daily experience of transcendence, rather than through forcing the mind, suffering, or attempting to act spiritual.