The Four Pillars of Virtue Brother Arinze Francisco I was invited to an international gathering of people in the sales business held in the Leadership and Team Building Camp in the beautiful Chateu Royale, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines last…
Although at first the Jews thought Jesus was merely speaking figuratively, eventually they realized that He was speaking literally: “The Jews were arguing among themselves, ‘How can this man give us flesh to eat?’” (John 6:52). Even His own disciples…
CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY The Lord asked that this chaplet be prayed at 3pm daily. 1. Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 2.Opening Prayers You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed …
Anyone who knows six easy prayers can pray a Rosary; you will also need to know twenty Mysteries to meditate upon as you pray. You do not have to be a Catholic. The Rosary begins with the Apostles Creed, followed by one Our Father, three Hail Ma…
The Block Rosary By Brother Arinze Francisco The Block Rosary is a devotion wherein an image or statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary visits the home of each family for a week or so. It encourages the family to pray the Rosary everyday not only for th…
VIRGINITY PRIDE OF A VIRGIN virgin' is traditionally seen as someone who has never had sexual intercourse before whether female or male in sexually active age. However, people have differ…
What is Block Rosary ? Block Rosary is our Lady’s answer to the Communist block plan. Block Rosary fosters love of neighbor. (“Thou shall love thy neighbor as thy self,” Matt. 19:19). Block Rosar…
In Matthew 16:18, Jesus promised to build a church. In Acts 2:47, Luke tells us that people were being added to that church. Thus, we can conclude that Jesus built His church sometime between His promise in Matthew 16 and Luke’s statement in Acts 2. I…
PRIEST OF LEVITE The passage to which reference is made is the parable of the good Samaritan. In short, all priests are Levites but not all levit are priest, being selected from the tribe of Levi, but not all Levites are priests.Those Levites wh…
Making this to community comes inform of competition is to tell children more about Latin word.And it help some children to develop well in responding in mass.this is one of the way to bring up children.
Liturgical Calendar and Feast Days The Liturgical Year is an annual cycle of seasons and feasts that celebrates the Paschal Mystery, especially focusing on Christ's Death and Resurrection (Easter…