Math18v19-20, Isaiah12v2
Being in present of god is like one
being in spirit with god. Our appearances in the present of god make us not to
get anything and our prayer not being answered. People appearance in the
present of god determined how level of answered you get from god. Sacrifice can
make you be in line in the spirit and also having some silent moment (devotion).
In the parable of the seed sowed (mark4) make us to know the seed a man
sowed determine the level of open door. Seed sow with pure heart can only bring
fortitude and more favor to the person. This parable also advice us to seed our
mind in what good we need not the desire of devil (evil).
People of god pray selfishly this
time, which the reason why some prayer are not answered and being stop on the
way due to selfish prayer.
What make prayer selfish?
1. Asking god what is not necessary for
2. Not obeying the simple instruction
from god(GOD WORD)
3. Living in simple instruction
Knowing if god is in your midst
1. Firstly you need to recognized him
2. Also dwell in him
Six reasons to know
that god is in your midst
1. He knows you by your name(isaiah43vs
2. He is also with us (math28v20)
3. He is our refuge
4. He promised to fight for us
5. He think about us (psal130v9)
6. He has a plan for you (jer29)
We all should know that god is with
the righteous generations (psal14v5)
In haggai2v5 he said my spirit is
abiding in you do not fear.