THE SINS AGAINST CHASTITY FORNICATION AND ADULTERY...: Six is a precious gift of God. It is the a holy ground which will not be entered without permission . Fornication Is the abuse of sex or... Six is a precious gift of God. It is the a holy ground which will not be entered without permission .
Is the abuse of sex or abnormal use of sex lust leads to this song of fornication. According to the teaching of the church. Holy office March 3.1927 A deliberate uncontrolled lust is a mortal sin .In the gospel of St Matthew, our Lord made it clear that anyone who looks lustfully on an opposite sex has committed adultery Matthew 5:28.
Lust is a sexual desire without a control. It is the deadly sin that arises form pleasure. It draws a soul away from the light of God.
Same effects of lust
1. Lust blinds the soul and quenches reasoning. Example is Samson who lived like a stupid and foolish man before Delilah who later lured him into the cruel hands of the Philistines, judges 16:22
2. Lust crushes and destroys reasoning : this can be seen in the case of Solomon who had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines and at the the Solomon was gradually corrupted to foolish Solomon because in to satisfy his lustful wives and concubines started to build the house of idol on-the-go temple of God and there by was condemned by God 1king 11:1-11
Sins of thought
According to St Alphonsus liguori with regard to sin of thought, three things are to be taken into consideration enrichment , pleasure and consent
Some branches of the sin of fornication
1. Romancing and kissing
There are also holy ground that cannot be entered without permission .If this is used abnormally ,it become a mortal sin .Romancing and kissing can be called sex made easy for it is through these acts that one can enter into sex easily .
2. Condom and contraceptives
These are great means of fornication. Many Christian couples and communicates have defiled themselves through the use of condom and contraceptives which the church recalls as mortal sin. Genesis 38:3-10 told us how God killed Oman of abusing his semen by shedding the semen or sperm on the ground after mating.
This is a grave sin. It simply means self sexing .It can occur through the use of hand, candle. Pillow etc this is more deadly than fornication and this his led many people to unresolved psychological degradation in this world and to hell in the next world .
How to preserve chastity
1. Vigilance.
To preserve this virtue great vigilance is needed. St Charles Brorromeo said that it is impossible to remain chaste unless you constantly watch over yourself.
Avoiding occasions of this sin
Don't go where you know you will fall ,you not an angel . In Matthew 5: 29-30 our lord states how important it is to avoid the occasion of sin he said so if your right eye cause you to sin pull it out and throw it away it is well it is better for you to lose a part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into hell.
Avoid keeping sinful relationship which may lead to inter -visitation or discussion .Avoid conversations, visits etc which may en-kindle lust in your body or heart. Avoid the company of anybody or anything that en-kindles lustful passions in your heart for if the greater percentage of your thought is