The lord came to Abram and said I will give this land to your children and to their children and it will be their land forever Abram built an altar and the made and offering to the lord and they worshiped him another time god told Abram can you count the stars? Neither will you be able
to count your descendants Abram believed god would give him many descendants even through he had no children yet later god changed Abram's name to Abraham which means father of a multitude he promised to give Abraham and his wife Sarah a son, a people and a land Abraham promised to serve god faithfully. One day three strangers came to Abraham's tent door. By this time Abraham was hundred years old and Sarah 90 years old the strangers told Abraham that Sarah would have a son Sarah overhead it and laughed to himself, how can I have a child when I am so old? But the men, who were angels sent by God, said is anything too hard for the lord? Finally the promised child indeed was born to Abraham and Sarah .They named him Isaac, as the lord had told them to. They were very happy to have a little boy. Then one day God said to Abraham, take now your only son, whom you love, and go to a mountain which I will show you. Offer him for a burnt offering. Though the command filled Abraham's heart with pain, he began to obey at once. With two servants and a donkey, Abraham and Isaac started northward. On the third day, Abraham and Isaac went up to the mountain by themselves. There Abraham built an altar. He placed the wood in order, tied Isaac and laid him on it. At last he raised his 🔪 🔪 knife to kill hi son. Just then the angel of the lord called, Abraham, do not hurt your son Isaac! Now I know you love God more than your son. What joy and relief those heavenly words brought to Abraham! They Abraham turned and saw a 🐏 🐏 🐏 ram caught by its horns in the thankful Abraham was to offer the ram instead of his son.
Moses on the Nile river during Joseph's life time the Egyptians treated the people of Israel kindly. sometime after Joseph died a king who cared nothing for Joseph or the israelites began to rule Egypt the king said let us rule israelites more strictly and make them work hard for Egypt he was afraid the israelites we would become too numbers and a powerful he commanded that all the israelites baby boys be killed. At this crucial time, a lovely little boy was born to an israelites family. For while his mother hid him, I but soon she had to make other plans for her active, noisy baby . How could he save him from the Egyptians surely god will provide a way she made a little ark, or 🏀 basket from tall weeds that grew by the way river. She covered it with pitch so keep out the water then she puts baby in to the basket and placed it among the bushes at the edge of the river. She also sent her 12 years old daughter, Miriam to watch close by soon pharaoh's daughter and her maids came down to river to bathe,and they spotted the basket. The princess sent her maid to get it. When they opened the basket, the little baby began to cry. This is an Israelite baby the princess exclaimed. She loved him at once. Then Miriam, who had been watching, asked if she should get a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby. The princess agreed, and Miriam ran to get her mother.